Этот ресурс создан для настоящих падонков. Те, кому не нравятся слова ХУЙ и ПИЗДА, могут идти нахуй. Остальные пруцца!

The Alternative Russian Dictionary

  1. Читай
  2. Корзина хуятора

Шлю рецпект фсем падонкам. Кароче так фсем ценить, блять, падонкавский ругатильный славарь. Вы
скажите ты ,блять, далбайоп и иди ф песту.
Нихуйа, сами идите к хуйу. Прицтафьте ситуатцыйу: падонак ис ЙУ ЭС ЭЙ приписдюхал в Расию. Иво
апкладывайут матам, а он нихуйа ни панимайэт и
мила улыбаицца. Так што этат славарь для инастранных падонкафф. Исчо адно-каму не нравицца-фсе в
хуй. Так-што цени, сцука-бля.
The Alternative Russian Dictionary


bardak (m.,noun,pron.bahr-dack')
brothel (literally);disorder, mess, disarray Most frequent use connected rather with untidiness
than with prostitution.
+ bitch often used like "well", but in the end of a clause
bl'adki (noun)
+ fuck session The underlying meaning is that the person is gonna fuck with whores or with
occasional partner (maybe he gonna find some chick
in a bar) or with somebody he knows but who has low moral principals. It isn't used if man gonna
have sex with his girlfriend.
bl'adovat' (verb)
++ to be a prostitute Also means 'to fuck with everybody who wants ( maybe for free)'
bl'adstvo (noun)
++ See comments 1. A complex of habits, manners and also a way of life of a whore; 2. Prostitution
in common; 3. Bad situation.
the boss Used in penitentiary for the men who control the criminals.
byk, bychara
+ redneck
bzdenok (masc. noun)
++ little old man who farts frequently /bzdYO nok/, archaic, only older generations know this one
+ nigger or "person of southern nation", e.g. Uzbek, etc. Literally: "black-assed".
dat' pizdy
++ to kick someone's ass see also "poluchit' pizdy"
shit It's strength is close to it's English equivalent
dolboy'eb (masc. noun)
++ dickhead Is close to "opesdol" and "raspizdey" but in common describes more block-headed person
drochit' (verb inf)
to masturbate
e"b tvoju mat'
+ fuck you! very common, the most used russian "dirty phrase" has the vide variety of meanings,
from "How do you do", to "Go to hell!" The
actual meaning depends on the intonation
ebalnik (noun)
++ a face see also "ebalo"
ebalo (noun)
++ a face see also "ebalnik"
ebalom sch'elkat'(noun)
++ too look blank see also "ebalo"
ebat' (infinitive)
++ to fuck Variations of this word used about as much as its counterpart in English.
++ Exclamation (no certain sense) Like "Oh, shit!"
eblo (noun, neuter)
++ A face almost equivalent to ebalo, but a little bit more offensive.

figa (noun)
a figure made by one's fingers (see comments) It looks like fist, but thumb instead of being at
the top of fist should be pushed between
pointing and fucking fingers. Showing this figure to someone is equivalent to showing 'fuck' but is
not so strong. Word 'figa' is used in
expressions (see "na fig", "ni figa", "ofiget'")
gandon (noun)
+ condom
gol/uboy (adj.)
male homosexual, gay. Literally: blue.
+ bastard
+ shit Used in literal reference only. Not used like its English counterpart.
dick Literlly means "horse-radish". In 90% of words an expressions "hren" is interchangeable with
"kher" or "khuy" (see). The "hren" stuff
should be rated with '0', "kher" - with + and "khuy" with ++. This gives an ability to say the same
things with different strength.
igrat' na kozhano'i fle'ite (expr)
+ to suck one's weiner Literally translated as "to play on a leather flute"
izmudohat' (verb, trans.)
++ to beat someone, to kick someone's ass means serious damage to victim, see also "otpizdit'"
jebnut' (verb, inf.)
++ to hit something or someome (spelled with stress on the first syllsble) EX: "Oto'idi, a to
jebnu" - "Get lost or I'll kick your ass"
kak dva pal'tsa obossat' (expr.)
+ (it's) a piece of cake Meaning, of course, that there can hardly be anything easier to do than
that. Used as a separate sentence. Has a
flavour of disdain and/or boastfulness: 'A eto smozhesh?' (What about this, can you do it?') - 'Kak
dva pal'tsa obossat'!'
kazhdy drochit kak on khochet (proverb)
Means "everyone does things by the way he used to"; Literally translation "everyone masturbates by
the way he likes"
khapat' (verb)
to steal Also used in expressions like "khapat' marikhuanu": to smoke marihuana
kher s nim (nei) (noun phrase)
+ to hell with it, I don't give a damn Telik pizdoi nakrylsja. - Kher s nim. The TV went out of
whack. -I don't give a damn
khokhol (noun)
+ a Ukrainian Very insulting. It literally means "greedy one". (has also "forelock" as meaning)
khu'in'a(noun, female)
++ see comments 1 - means something bad or usless. "Kak pivo? - Khu'in'a" - "What would you say
about this beer? - Shit"; 2 - Bad situation,
trouble; 3 - thing, (usualy a part of machinery)."Otkruti 'tu khu'in'u" - "Remove this detail"
khue"vo (adv.)
+ badly (cf. pizdato) Kak dela? -Khue"vo. How are things with you? -Terrible. (Note that the
Russian word is an adverb, while its English
counterpart is an adjective).
khue"vyi (adj.)
+ bad (cf. pizdatyi) Khue"vye den'ki nastali. Bad days have come.
khuem grushi okolachivat'
++ to loaf Literlally translated as t"To shake pears from the trees by hitting their trunks with
one's dick"
khueplet (noun, male)
++ No certain translation. It's an insult of a wide usage. Literally translated as "dickweaver".
see also comments to "khuilo'
khui pinat'
++ to loaf Literally translated as "To kick dicks all around"
khuilo (noun, male)
++ No certain translation. It's an insult of a wide usage. There's a lot of insults in Russian
which has no certain meaning. They are formed
from the most used explicit words. Any word formed from "khuy" will sound offensive and isulting
even if it has no sense.
khuine'i stradat' (expr)
++ to do smth sensless, to loaf As an example - somebody has nothing to do so he is strying to spit
as far as he can for a half of an hour so
we can say about him - "On khu'ine'i stradaet".
khuy (noun)
++ dick
khuynut' (verb, inf)
++ No certain translation Is used as an alternative to verabs like "hit","kick", "throw" and more.
It depends on a fantasy of the one who
speaks and the one who listens.
kurite moju trubku
+ Suck my cock! Used in the same derogatory way as its counterpart in English.
lysogo v kulake gonyat' (expr.)
to masturbate English analog is "to pet one's monkey"; Literally translation is "To run bald dude
throughover one's fist"
+ sperm
manda (female, noun)
++ cunt "Pizda" (see) is more popular. "Manda" is interchangeable with "pizda" in expressions but
not in words
mandavoshka (female, noun)
++ genital louse Often used to name any unknown insect.
ment (masc. noun)
+cop Very commonly used, but don't say it to cop if he's not tied.
muda (or mud'a)
+ balls stress is on the last syllaby
mudack (masc. noun)
+ dumbass,full is spelled like "moo-duck" , commonly used like "muthafucka" EX: "Poslushay ty,
mudack" - "Listen you, muthafucka".
mudilo (masc. noun)
+ dumbass,full A little bit stronger than "mudack".
mudozvon (masc. noun)
+ The one who is talking shit Literally translation is "The one who is chiming with his balls"
na fig (expr)
1) far away; for more see comments See "na khuy"
na khu'yu vertet'
++ to ignore someone or someone's opinion Literally translated as "To rotate someone on the top of
your dick" EX: - "Da ya ego na khu'yu
vertel!" - "I don't give a shit about him!"
na khuy (expr)
++ 1) far away; for mor see comments Also used as a part of expressions like "to hell with it". EX
- "Da nu ego na khuy" - "To hell with him"
Also used as apart of :Go to hell" EX : "Idi na khuy" - "Go to hell"
na khuya? (expr.)
++ Why?, What is the reason English analog should be like - "For fucking what?"
++ to get stone cold drunk Very often it's explained what was drinken: "Na'ebenilsya vodkoi" - "Got
drunk by the vodka"; see also
naebat' (verb, transitive, perfect aspect)
+ to cheat, to con someone Menja vchera naebali na shtuku. I was conned out of one thousand roubles
naebnut'sya (verb, inf)
++ to fall down Is used when the fall was unexpected and rather strong EX: "Vchera ya naebnulsya po
p'yani na l'du"-"Yersteday I got drunk
slipped on ice and fell down"
nakhuyachit'sya (verb)
++ to get stone cold drunk Very often it's explained what was drinken: "Nakhuyachilsya vodkoi" -
"Got drunk by the vodka"; see also
ne eb'et
++ It doesnt't matters EX: "Menya eto ne eb'et" - "I don't give a fuck about it"
nev'ebenny (adj.)
++ Very large Is used to describe smth. that impressed the one who's talking with its size. The
literally translation should be "unfuckable"
ni khuya
++ 1) No way! (disagreement); 2) Nothing; EX: 2) "Smotr'yu, a v butylke ni khuya net" - "I found
that there's alredy nothing in the bottle"
ni za khuy sobachy
++ 1. for nothing; 2 in vain( and may be also in vain and accidentaly) Literally translated as "for
less than a dog's dick" EX: 1 - see EX for
"podi khuevo?"; 2 - "Pomer ni za khuy sobachy" - "Died in vain"
obossat's'a mozhno (expr)
+ see comments ironic expression, means "So fucking what?" Literally means "I'm so excited that
I'll piss in my panties"
odin' ebe"tsya, drugoi draznitsya; kakaya raznitsa. (proverb)
+ one fucks, the other one teases; what's the difference. Answer if somebody says "kakaya raznitsa"
("what's the difference")
ofiget' (verb)
go nuts (a little) see also "okhu'et'"
Okhuet' (verb)
++ Go nuts, get pissed off As an example :"Da ty sovsem okuel!" - "You're gone stone cold crazy man"
okhuytel'no (adj.)
good contains the word khuy ("dick"); used as the counterpart of khuye"vo
opesdol (male, noun)
++ Dumbass, muthafucka Is used to sterss somebody's mental sickness
opizdenet' (verb, infinitve)
++ see "okhuet'"
osto'eblo (verb, part of expression))
++ (it) bored (me) It's a part of expressions like "Mne eto vs'e osto'eblo" - "All this fuckin'
bored me"
ostokhuitel'no (adv.)
++ very good, excellent (see also ohuitel'no). Note an extra root STO (hundred) used for
amplification of the meaning. EX: Kak vchera
nazhralis'? - Ostohuitel'no. How did you drink yesterday? - Excellent.
ot'ebis'! (expr.)
++ Fuck off!
otmudohat' (verb, inf, transitive)
++ to kick someone's ass, to beat someone synonym to "dat' pizdy" but means more damage to victim;
see also "otpizdit".
++ to kick someone's ass, to beat someone synonym to "dat' pizdy" but means more damage to victim;
see also "otpizdit'".
otpizdit' (verb, inf, transitive)
++ to kick someone's ass, to beat someone synonym to "dat' pizdy" but means more damage to victim;
see also "otmudohat".
+ blow me


padlo (n.,noun)
(dirty) swine, scoundrel. Litt. cadaver.
pedik (noun)
++ someone who has been used as a female in jail Comes from the word pederast ("homosexual")
perdet' (verb)
+ to let a fart
petuh (noun)
+ a man who's used a as female, typically in army or jail the more common meaning is rooster.
careful when addressing males ex: 'hey you petuh,
come here'

pidar gnoinyj
++ rotten faggot Mean expression used in the coal mines of Ukrainian Donbass. Literary means the
passive gay who have gotten an aqute honorreia
in his anus.Puts the conterpart way down.
piz'det' (verb, intransitive, imperfect aspect)
+ 1. to chat; 2. to tell lies The word comes from the root pizda. 1. Poide"m popizdim. Let's have a
chat. Let's shoot the bull. 2. Zaebal uzhe,
khvatit piz'det'. You've bored me to death, cut that crap. Ne pizdi! Come off it! Cut it out! Like
any other Russian of the same origin this
one can only be used among friends or with people whom you want to insult or don't care about.
pizd'uk (noun, male)
++ bastard
pizda (noun, fem.)
++ vagina, cunt Probably as bad as 'cunt' in Russian.
pizdato (adv.)
+ good (cf. pizdato) Kak dela? -Pizdato. How are things with you? -Fantastic. (Note that the
Russian word is an adverb, while its English
counterpart is an adjective).
pizdatyi (adj.)
+ good (see also raspizdatyi) Smotri, kakaja pizdataja tachka. Look, isn't it a swell car?
pizdetc (noun, male)
++ fiasco, the end complete Means any kind of fatal outcome.This is the one of the most capatious
words in Russian slang
pizdoi nakryt'sja (verbal phrase)
+ go out of whack, go out of kilter Moi pentjukh pizdoi nakrylsja. My Pentium went went out of
+ The thing that doesn't matter Could be literally translated as "The thing from the cunt". EX:
"Chto eto za piz'dyulina?" tr.: "What the fuck
is it?"
po khuy (expr)
+ equal, the same "Mne po khuy" means something like "I don't give a fuck"
po'imat' na konchik (expr.)
to get a honorreia Literally translation is "To catch a thing by the end of your dick" EX -
"Trakhnulsya po p'yani i po'imal na konchik" -
"Was drunken, fucked some chick - and got the Jack!"
po'iti posrat' (expr)
+ to be lost or damaged is close to "pizdoi nakryt'sja " (see) but has more wide usage EX: "Mo'i
otpusk posh'el posrat'" - means "I've planned
to have a vacation but my plans are accidentaly broken"
podi ku'evo?
+ It's good isn't it? Is used as a comment to earlier discussed subject. "Sotnya grina ni za khuy
sobachy - podi khuevo?" - "To get $100 for
nothing - cool, isn't it?"
stuff that sucks see "piz'dyulina"
poluchit' pizdy
++ to get one's ass kicked EX: "Vy'ebnulsya i tut zhe poluchil pizdy" - "He bragged and then
immediately was beaten" ; see also "dat' pizdy"
pososi moyu konfetku (expr)
suck my dick Literally: "suck my candy"
prissat' (verb, inf)
to scare The underlying meaning is "to piss into panties being scared"; see also "zassat'"
proebat' (verb, inf)
++ to lose Used if the thing is lost or the game. (see "prosrat'")
promudobl'adsksya pizdopro'ebina (rare)
++ no certain translation It's a concentrate of explicit language. Is used to stress that somethin'
(or some one) has concentrated all negative
features and things in itself
propezdoloch ( noun )
+ a foxy person
prosrat' (verb, inf)
+ to lose Used if the thing is lost or the game.


++ A slacker. Lit., "someone cunting off." See notes. From the root word 'peezda.' It is
interesting to compare this word, whose root is
feminine, to the many, much milder English phrases using male masturbation as an analogy for the
concept of 'wasting time.'
raspizdatyi (adj.)
+ very good (see also pizdatyi) Smotri, kakaja raspizdataja tachka. Look, isn't it a mighty swell
raz'yebuy (noun, masculine)
++ A slacker See also raz'yoba, raspizduy. Lit.: A guy who fucks around, doing nothing useful.
raz'yoba (noun, masculine)
++ A slack, a lazy person (has the same meaning as raz'yebay, raspizduy, but less offensive
flavour). EX: Ty doebal etu khuynu? - Net. -
Raz'yoba ty! Have you finished with that shit? - No - What a slack!
s'ebat'sya (verb, inf.)
++ to escape
+ slut (noun) can be used as bl'ad'
siski (noun)
spizdit' (verb)
+ steal, sneak common reason for the lack of commodities
srat' (infinitive)
+ to shit
ssat' (infinitive)
to piss quite vulgar
styervo (n.,noun)
+ swine, crook, scoundrel, bastard/bitch. (Litt:cadaver) see padl/o. This one seems to be some
stronger. Can be combined with an adjective or a
participle; e.g. "Ty styervo ebannoye".
suka (female, noun)
sukin syn (noun phrase)
+ son of a bitch nearly equivalent to its English counterpart.
svodit' posrat' (expr)
+ to lose or damage something It's a tranzitive expression - EX: "Ya dal emy pri'emnik, a on svodil
ego posrat'" - "I gave him a radio and he
lost/broke/damaged it" it. See also "po'iti posrat'"
svoloch' (noun, masculine)
+ bastard About as strong as its English counterpart. 'Ivan svoloch'.' "John is a bastard."
trakhat' (verb, inf,transitive)
To fuck (someone) see also "trakhat'sya"
trakhat'sya (verb, inf,non-transitive)
To copulate see also "trakhat'"
trimandoblydskiy pizdoproyob
++ has no translation Very emotional expression that shows the sense of offence (but not very
strong). It can be used between friends.
Ty mne van'ku ne val'aj."
Don't pretend you are dumber than you really are. Literally, means "Don't roll around like a
Vanka." ("Vanka" is the usual name given the
village idiot in stories.) Can also mean, "Don't pretend you don't understand what I'm saying."
u'ebitsche (noun)
++ freak, monster
ubl'yudok (male, noun)
v pizdu (expr)
+ to hell Literally: "into the cunt". Just like "na khuy" used in expressions like: poshe"l v pizdu
("fuck off")
vafl'a (female, noun)
+ flying dick The stress should be on tke last syllaby or it should be translated as "vafer".
"vafl'a" is a mystic, fairy object. According to
legend when someone stands with his mouth opened for too long it quickly flies into (see "lovit'
vafly"). It's oftten used to name different
flying objects, especialy zeppelins.
vafli lovit' (expr)
+ see comments means "to stand and look blank not knowing what to do, maybe beeing in surprise".
Literally means "to catch flying dicks". (see
vo pizdu (expr)
to hell like "v pizdu", but made less strong by changing the preposition into "vo" and stressing
this preposition. used in a funny way among
vstat' rakom (expr)
To assume a doggy position. It means 1) to assume a dggy pose for havinf sex; 2) To assume any
unsuitable position, to be in unpleasant
vye"byvat'sja (v., intr., imperfect aspect)
+ to brag, show off The word comes from the root ebat'. Ty u menja dovye"byvaesh'sja skoro. If you
keep on showing off like that you're gonna
be in trouble. (It has a flavor of 'Stop bugging me or else!').
vyperdysh (noun, male)
the fart The underlying meaning is "to piss into panties It's an insult of a wide usage.
vzdrochennyi (adj)
+ 1) dishevelled 2) abused The underlying meaning is that the person looks like dick which was
masturbated for a long time.
Yeb vas
++ fuck off
yobar' ( noun )
+ The man who fucks
z*opa (fem.noun)
+ ass, arse, asshole pron. Zho-pah. Proverb: Na bezptichyu i zhopa sol/ove'y = any port is good in
a storm c.f. z*opoliz
z*opoliz (m.noun)
+ ass-licker, boot-licker like Engl. 'Brown nose'
za'ebat' (verb, trans.)
++ to bore someone
zaebis' (adv.)
+ very good (cf. pizdato) Kak pozhivaesh'? -Zaebis'. How's life ? -Good. (Though, from the
grammatical standpoint, the word must considered an
adverb, it is actually an imperative form of the verb 'zaebat'. Translated literally, it means
something like 'Fuck till you're blue in the
zalupa (noun)
+ dickhead It really means the head od a dick.
zalupat' (verb, inf)
+ to cheat, to talk bullshit For example if someone cheated you or asked a too high price on the
market: Ty zalupnul!: "you cheater!" (very
+ bastard literrally means "the one who's stinking shit, cos he used to shit in his pants". Is used
to stress one's infantility, misery etc.
zassat' (verb, inf)
to scare The underlying meaning is "to piss into panties being scared"; see also "prissat'"
zlo'ebuchy (adj.)
++ boring, muthafuckin' Is used to describe smth. that (ore someone who) bored the one who's
talking too much. The literally translation should
be "evil-fuckin'" EX: "Suka ty zlo'ebuchaya" - "You're motherfucking bitch"
Eb tvoju mat'
++ 'fuck you' Literally 'I have fucked your mother.' 'Кb' is an obsolete form of the past tense
masculine singular. The normal past tense of
"ebat'" is "ebal, ebala, etc.". This is probably the most offensive term in Russian, though
commonly used.

— ss , 10.11.2002

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ты должен быть залoгинен чтобы хуйярить камменты !

«В общем, ты такая, в шляпе и вьетнамках, приходиш ко мне, с чимаданом. И говориш: «Здрасьте, это вы квартиру сдаёте?» Я тебе отвечу: «Ну я, хуле… Заходи» Ты заходиш, показываеш мне песду, и я тебя ебу на чимадане, закрыв тебе ебло шляпой. Гыгыгы!»

«он  бог  этого  леса  и  друг собак
девочка в  тамбуре  курит – привет,
его  эрерогированная  елда 
со  вкусом  печенья  и  сладких    конфет»

— Ебитесь в рот. Ваш Удав

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